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Since going commercial in December 2007, Billy’s Backbiters have quickly established themselves as the number one Bite Alarm for Predator Anglers throughout the UK and Europe. Many years experience in Engineering and Pike Fishing has gone into delivering a high quality and supremely trustworthy “Backbiter” or “Drop Back Style” Alarm. They will see you through season after season of continuous, reliable service no matter what the worse of the winter’s weather has to throw at them. Our promise is to produce an exceptional product with outstanding service.
So, why do Predator Anglers need a Drop-Off style bite alarm? Most Pike and Predator Anglers out there will use a Drop-Off style indicator of some sort. Even Anglers using front alarms will incorporate a drop arm in their bite indication as the need to detect a slack line run is as important as using a wire trace. Billy’s Backbiters filled a void in the market for a quality alarm for Predator Anglers. Many Piker s will have reverted to front alarms in their time and will have spent years putting up with the bleeping all day long when fishing in a flow river, or fishing in wind on a still water where the waves were rolling, or with live baits. As a result you get complacent to the beeps and tend not to pay them any attention. When a Backbiter alarm goes off it is for one reason only and that is because a Predator has grabbed your bait.
Serious Anglers are of the opinion a Backbiter alarm is the only type of alarm that covers all round Predator Angling, from fishing small live baits on the local cut to banging out big dead baits on a Scottish Loch.
Billy Crystal£86.00 – £95.00
Black & Blue£86.00 – £95.00
Red Alert£86.00 – £95.00
Blue Nose£86.00 – £95.00
Zandavan – 300mm lengths of 2mm stainless steel rod (wire) for DIY£1.30
Zandavan – U-bend pivot wire (2mm dia s/steel wire & 2 soft rubber beads)£1.00
Zandavan – Galvanized chain fitted with spacer tube & 2 s/steel split rings£1.85
Zandavan Rollover – Bankstick attachment£3.75 – £4.80
Rollover – Counter balance weights£2.85
Zandavan Rollover Arm – Anodised Silver with Billy’s Adaptor£25.00
Zandavan Rollover Arm – Anodised Silver£19.00
Billy’s Roller Arm£21.00
Billy’s Zandavan Rollover Adaptor£6.00